Friday 25 October 2013

Java Script referance ~Updating~

1. Run activity from Java script.
var oSafeURL = new SafeURL(" << Class >> . << Acitivity Name >>");

1)How to write onclick functionality


function myFunction()
alert("Hello World!");
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>

2) how to call the activity from java script and pass the parameters / catch return values

oSafeURL =null;

var oSafeUrl = new SafeURL("Class.Activity",getReqURI());
oSafeUrl.put("Paramater Name","Paramater Value");
var strResponse = httpRequestAsynch(oSafeUrl.toURL(),"post");
.***any return value from activity. It can be caught in strResponse.***

2. Get property value from Java script.
tools.getProperty("<< pyWorkPage.DOB >>").
tools.findPage("<< Page name >>").getProperty("<< .PropertyName >>").toString()


Get PageList Exported to excel

  Get PageList Exported to excel 1. Create a Excel template as following format      A1: Column Name : Case ID       A2: Property Reference ...