Sunday 29 May 2022

Daily Digest

 Remove Selected pages from PageList :

  1. loop through the page list (PageList name --> PGList),
  2. go to the page which need to be deleted and set pyDeletedObject == True,
  3. call the function --> @Utilities.RemoveDeletedObjects(PGList). (outside the pageList context)

Remove Duplicate from PageList:

  1. page list need to be referenced to Code-Pega-List (PGList.pxResults) ,duplicated property is ".Key" 
  2. call @pzRemoveDuplicatesFromListPage(PGList,".Key")

Get subscript from Current page in the pageList


Set Column type to nvarchar

ALTER TABLE {<DB>.<TableName>} ALTER COLUMN {<Column Name>} nvarchar(256) NULL;

Get PageList Exported to excel

  Get PageList Exported to excel 1. Create a Excel template as following format      A1: Column Name : Case ID       A2: Property Reference ...